About Us

With your competitive research complete, it’s the perfect time to write your business plan. A business plan will be your roadmap that helps bring your ideas and thoughts together. A business plan is vital in determining what to prioritize and how to effectively reach new customers.

You’ve found your product, evaluated the potential, and sourced your supplier. You’re now ready to write your business plan, but before you get into that, you’ll need to thoroughly research your competition so you know what you’re up against and how you can differentiate your business.

Online retail is a booming business. But I’ve seen too many ecommerce businesses struggle to get traction. It’s taken me years to learn everything included in this page. Use the information here to set up your ecommerce store, protect yourself legally, get your finances in order, market and sell your product, and start building your store.

There’s nothing more rewarding starting a business from nothing and watching it grow. You build it up and no one can take it from you.

Building an ecommerce business takes more than choosing a brand name, writing product listings, and starting to sell products online. Even the best business ideas can flop if you aren’t driving enough traffic to your site. Prefer a step-by-step video course? Check out our ecommerce learning center

Resources On Ecommerce Business Models

I highly recommend that you take your time and learn the different business models and compare them mentally. Then decide which one best lines up with your resources and marketing strengths. Also, think about where do you want to sell. Do you want to start your own online store on Shopify or do you want to sell on Amazon? Of course, you can do both, but marketing will be different.